Inspiring Action With Captivating Visuals and User-Friendly Education


Project Period



Fashion & Textile


Website Design
WordPress CMS
Bespoke 2D Illustrations
Lottie Animations

Singapore’s Textile and Fashion Federation (TaFF) is the official association for the local textile and fashion industry. TaFF actively supports and develops the industry by positioning Singapore as an innovative fashion hub, focusing on three areas: Technology and Innovation, Sustainability, and Asian Craftsmanship.

We were excited when TaFF commissioned us to design and develop a new microsite to promote the sustainability agenda.

#1 A Bold Mood Board That Strengthens an Urgent Message

The microsite adopts lively illustrations and eye-catching colours to further invigorate the sustainability message. Additionally, the striking mood board style seeks to sustain user attention, encouraging them to consume all content before arriving at the call-to-actions.

#2 Engaging Animations That Delight and Invite

From smoke billowing out a factory to a busy delivery man moving parcels, animations were incorporated to make the experience much more delightful and memorable. These animations also added a touch of light-heartedness, making an otherwise serious topic much more approachable.

#3 Leveraging Design to Better Enlighten

The microsite aims to educate visitors on the six steps of the fashion consumer journey, the environmental impact at each step, and what consumers can do.

We designed prominent “Learn More” buttons at each of these steps. Clicking these buttons would open a pop-out section comprising content organised in an accordion format. Apart from adding an interactive element, the layout keeps the site uncluttered, and the information bite-sized and welcoming.

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