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A Modern Kampong Website


King Albert Park

Project Period



Real Estate & Property


UX & UI Design

In early 2016, Vista Realty approached JIN Design with the responsibility of designing KAP’s microsite, featuring its modern architecture. Using a functional approach the design concept stems from communicating the story behind constructing King Albert Park and accurately conveying the estate’s ambience and functionality to attract potential buyers.

A Modern Kampong

Its interactive feature invites users to explore and discover independently more about each of the four bungalows to enhance the viewing experience. The four bungalows were illustrated with colours picked based on materials used when constructing King Albert Park, resounding back to its back-to-nature feel. Colour-coded highlights were used to layout the distinct personality of each house.

The Small Details 

Some key challenges we encountered were the lack of reference material, from copy text to poor quality images. To tackle these issues, we worked hand-in-hand with photographers and copywriters to adopt a ‘creative storytelling’ approach to present the background of King Albert Park in the form stories and images, making full use of the limited materials and creative skills on hand. Also taking a step forward, we added an auto-scroll function for quick viewing of the images to improve the user experience.

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WordPress, Webflow or WooCommerce design & development services for your website needs.

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Optimise your website  performance and enhance its Google PageSpeed score. 

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