JIN Design Portfolio Thumbnail Logo Green Packet

Celebrating 20 Years of Outstanding Achievements at Green Packet


GreenPacket 20th celebration landing page

Project Period





Landing Page Design
WordPress CMS

Green Packet is an international telecommunications and media company with a strong global presence. Founded in the Silicon Valley in 2000, Green Packet was already listed in the Malaysia stock exchange by 2005. Twenty years later, Green Packet is still dedicated to the goal of transforming human lives through accessible and innovative technology.

Green Packet entrusted us to craft a website highlighting the group’s various successes and achievements in its two decades of operations. Here’s how we helped celebrate Green Packet:

  • Showcased the accomplishments and contributions of Green Packet towards various individuals and groups across multiple fields
  • Incorporated a section to spotlight the company’s milestones
  • Established a clean and clear design for the landing page

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