
Driving Sales for an NFT Showcase


Enlightened Rats

Project Period






Website Design
WordPress CMS

Enlightened Rats is an NFT collection generated on the Ethereum blockchain, featuring 888 unique random variations. This project was initiated by renowned cryptocurrency blog, ChainDebrief. Our work on designing the EnlightenedRats website helped ensure that the NFT collection was successfully sold out!

The Vital Step in the Effort to Sell Out the NFT Collection

Enlightened Rats is a visually focused NFT project. We anticipated that customers would expect a well-organised and highly user-friendly page in order to facilitate the sales flow.

Clearing Up Doubts

The FAQ session is typically where businesses provide answers for a wide selection of commonly asked questions. We leveraged our experience in creating FAQ sections for websites by crafting a comprehensive and easy-to-navigate page for Enlightened Rats.

Guiding Users to Key Pages

Modern users are incredibly savvy and will wait to collect all available information before making a decision. We established a clean and logical flow of pages to allow visitors to access important details first.

Daring Web Design

We ensured that the website reflected the look and feel of the Enlightened Rats signature aesthetic, in order to strengthen brand connection and establish a strong visual impact.

Emotionally Evocative Copy

We crafted the copy to not only explain the background of Enlightened Rats but also to create a sense of fantasy and desirability for the collection.

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WordPress & Website

WordPress, Webflow or WooCommerce design & development services for your website needs.

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Convert & Optimise

Optimise your website  performance and enhance its Google PageSpeed score. 

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Website Maintenance

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