About Fazz
Fazz helps companies grow faster — by offering online business accounts that provide access to credit, payment, corporate cards, savings and more.
Fast and Seamless for Users
The Fazz website is a multi-country, multi-language site catered for three countries and two languages. Through country-based redirection, users are directed to a localised version of the website based on their IP address and location.
The powerful multi-country and multi-language blog also display content dynamically based on countries, tags and categories.
Whether a user was from Indonesia or Singapore, they’d arrive at a pixel-perfect and responsive site that works on all types of devices. Also, with a Pagespeed score exceeding 75 and 90 for mobile and desktop respectively, you can learn about and sign up for Fazz, fast.
Simple and Powerful for Fazz
Through the WordPress multi-site feature and flexible user roles we implemented, Fazz’s site admins and editors are able to manage the site effortlessly.
With Elementor, the front end is fully editable, allowing admins to edit content directly without developer support. We also created repeatable components, where only one component needs to be edited for it to reflect across all sites.
Additionally, by creating template-based pages, Fazz’s marketing team can easily create and customised landing pages themselves.
The Fazz site uses a minimal number of plugins — achieved by applying custom JS and CSS animation that integrates with Elementor.