What’s Included in a WordPress Maintenance Package?

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Table of Contents

Web maintenance servicesWhy do you need it?
Plugin updatesIt is necessary to keep them updated to
maintain optimal web performance
Firewall monitoringTo eliminate hazards like malware
and most cyber threats
Web backup and recoveryA safety net in the case of any data loss
Content managementAdding, uploading and editing content.
Advanced security monitoringA process of monitoring the server software and SSL
A summary table of the overall

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Your website is the most vital part of your business’ online presence. Potential clients will visit it to get a first impression of your brand, learn more about your products and services and find out how to directly contact you. 

Having an outdated or poorly functioning website can be devastating for your business. Whether it’s a non-responsive page or an obsolete plugin, you can lose out on huge opportunities if your site isn’t safe, polished and welcoming to users. 

Regular web maintenance can prevent these issues and ensure that your website performs well with solid SEO. While this sounds like something you could probably handle on your own, we strongly recommend enlisting a professional website maintenance team. They can provide detailed and thorough services with their expertise, and will save you a lot of time and energy to boot. 

Read on to learn what a typical WordPress website maintenance package can offer you, and why it’s vital to get one for your business. 

Update Plugins

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A plugin is a third-party software or component that improves your existing website. This usually includes additional features or special functions that your site cannot carry out on its own. 

There are thousands of free WordPress plugins available to help you create any type of website. For example, the WooCommerce plugin allows you to craft an online store while the Yoast plugin optimises SEO for a website.

However, it’s not as simple as installing a plugin and leaving it alone. Since plugins are created by external developers, you’ll need to keep track of updates to codes and features. How often do you update all your plugins? Are you sure a plugin is compatible with your site? 

A website maintenance package will provide you with these services and more. Maintaining your WordPress plugins is essential to your site’s security and overall performance. Web maintenance packages will typically perform weekly updates, fixes and testing for all plugins. They can also provide planning and advice for new plugins you may consider adding to your page to further improve its functionality. 

Monitor Firewalls

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Firewalls are network security components that control incoming and outgoing traffic to your website. A firewall can come in the form of software or hardware. Think of it as a protective barrier between your WordPress site and any external threats waiting to enter. Preparing for such threats is particularly important when installing or updating plugins.

A website maintenance service will install, operate and maintain a firewall for your page. While it may seem like firewalls function well enough on their own, it’s hugely risky to leave one unsupported. Outdated code, missing patches and poor security configuration all leave your website vulnerable to malware, hacks and other threats.


A web maintenance team’s expertise is essential to keeping this basic security feature running as efficiently as possible. 

Website Recovery and Backup

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This is a contingency for the worst-case scenarios — servers can crash and malware may sneak in despite our best efforts. As such, It’s crucial to make sure your WordPress site is safely backed up and can be restored as painlessly as possible. 

While there are backup and restoration options available with plugins, you can keep things more secure with a dedicated team working as part of your web maintenance package. These services can ensure no overlaps or duplications occur in your backed up files, and allow you to access your databases offsite when servers are down. Your site will also be saved to the cloud on a daily basis. 

You can migrate your WordPress site to other hosts when needed, and choose a customised backup schedule for your page. Many web maintenance packages for site recovery will also add in services to optimise your site’s performance and security. 

It truly pays to protect yourself against data loss. 

Comprehensive Content Editing

A website maintenance package can help you add, remove or edit nearly any form of content on your WordPress site. This can be in the form of images, copies, videos, documents or PDF files. 

Do note that this doesn’t include the creation of any content or designs from scratch— you’ll need to hire writers or designers in those cases. But general updates and edits are well within the scope of what web maintenance packages can offer you. Add pages, update your product catalogues and eliminate outdated links or information to keep your website fresh and appealing. 

This is especially relevant for minor or repetitive updates that would take up too much time if you were to complete them yourself. Engaging the services of a web maintenance agency can save precious hours in a week that can be dedicated to more pressing tasks of managing your business or brand. 

Advanced Security Services

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There’s a lot of work happening behind the scenes to keep your website up and running efficiently. 

With a website maintenance package, you can look forward to monthly reports of all the regular checks, tests and fixes that will be carried out for your WordPress site. This will incorporate checks for outdated JavaScript libraries and cross-site scripting as well as testing your server’s SSL certification and the security of HTTP cookies. 

Web maintenance services will ensure that your URL and web page links don’t direct visitors to untrusted external websites. It’s also important to monitor your server software for potential vulnerabilities or configuration issues. 

Help your business thrive by ensuring that your website receives regular and rigorous maintenance. Save time, energy and resources by engaging a trusted team of experts to take care of the nitty-gritty details while you focus on the bigger picture. 

Ready to pick out a customisable and affordable website maintenance package to give your business an edge? Learn more about the services we offer at JIN Design. 

JIN Design

18 Oct, 2021


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