What UX Services do we provide?


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Understanding our users is a key factor in building a great user experience.

When you look for a design studio, you are essentially looking for someone to design an experience for your users. We delve a big part of our time in gathering and locking down the requirements as we understand that finding out what is required from the business perspective and what is required from our users.

What do we do?

1. User Research

Sometimes, business priority neglects the authenticity of what our users really need. We set the foundation by researching on understanding the users, their wants and needs. At our User Research stage, we help you discover and reduce the gaps and assumptions by conducting interviews with relevant users. We consolidate data of real user expectations, analyze and provide insightful reports, which we constantly look back on to design a smoother and better experience. Ultimately, we are designing for our users, and their behaviors are what relates the design the most.

2. Product Research

In designing the right interface for your target audience, we need to research on products that are in the current market, to match up with the established standard or even surpass them. Our team keeps ourselves updated with the latest design trends, often sharing our insights and discoveries with one another. We are attuned to what is happening outside and it helps expanding our creative thinking.

3. UX Planning and Wireframe

Forming the backbone of a design is like constructing the foundation of an architecture. We have to ensure that the visual structure and information presented is both intuitive and effective. Wireframing our concepts is the best way for our team to visualize its structure, represent the overall layout and test on the workflow.

4. Conceptualizing the Look and Feel (UI)

It may be that visual appeal is a lot on User Interface, but User Experience holds a big part of locking down the feel as well. UX design adds context to the users’ natural behavior and paint them a story to experience themselves. Our UI experts, hand-in-hand with our UX designers, builds on innovative interactions and interfaces to improve the digital experience.

5. Usability Testing

We detect and rectify problems that may arise from our user testing process. By assessing the limitations, feasibility, and adaptability, we improve our designs to ensure that user satisfaction is met. Our design approach shall always aim to produce an effective and pleasurable experience for your business and audience.

Why Us?

As previously mentioned in the our blogpost — “What UI Services do we provide”, our process ensures that during the course of the design project, communication between our leads and clients stay efficient so that smooth deliverance can be achieved.

We provide support in helping our clients understand why we design the way we design. We do not design for the sake of designing. We ask ourselves constantly “what are we designing for?”. This question keeps us grounded and focused. Be sure that when we are designing your web/app platform, we strive to achieve the best solutions and not just a pixel-perfect design.

We aim towards bringing a unique experience to each of our users, through the designs we create. We do recognize that even the smallest details may alter the end user’s perception and determine its success or failure. Thus, we are empathetic to our users and during our design process, usability is one of the key priorities.

JIN Design

12 Sep, 2017


Our End-To-End Web Services.

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Design & Development

Web design and web development for your  custom website requirements.

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WordPress & Website

WordPress, Webflow or WooCommerce design & development services for your website needs.

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Convert & Optimise

Optimise your website  performance and enhance its Google PageSpeed score. 

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Website Maintenance

Maintain your website content and ensure your website is safe and secure.

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