Pushing Design & Webflow Boundaries With Trigger+



Project Period

Q1 2023


Product Design
Design Consultancy


Web design
Web development
Webflow CMS

Experimental Design, Intuitive Navigation

Trigger Design Studio wanted a site with straightforward navigation, while displaying a spirit of experimentation for its aesthetic. Hence, a fine balance needed to be struck between these two aspects.

For each project page, scrolling is horizontal, then playfully transits to vertical. On the projects listing section, projects are displayed like a “digital bookshelf”, with each project boldly expanding when hovered over. Such touches provide a unique interaction experience, while still keeping things simple.

Same yet Different

Our client also wanted the Trigger+ site to stand out as a distinct experience, while maintaining a clear connection to their main site. We achieved this by incorporating key branding colours and characteristics from the main site, while pushing the boundaries with a more daring and innovative design.

Our design team also worked to ensure that the Trigger+ website offered a seamless user experience without a learning curve. Users should feel like they are exploring something new and exciting, yet still be able to navigate the site with some sense of familiarity.

Incorporating eCommerce Functions

In addition to serving as a living laboratory for Trigger Design Studio, the Trigger+ website also allows users to order the projects being featured. We achieved this by integrating Webflow’s eCommerce features into the site’s development.

Our team worked closely with Trigger Design to ensure that the eCommerce functionality was seamlessly integrated into the site’s design and user experience. By leveraging Webflow’s powerful eCommerce features, we were able to create a secure and user-friendly platform for customers to browse and purchase Trigger Design Studio’s eye-catching projects.

About Trigger+

Trigger+ is an initiative by Trigger Design Studio — a Singapore-based consultancy studio — to explore new boundaries through experiments and partnerships.

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Design & Development

Web design and web development for your  custom website requirements.

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WordPress & Website

WordPress, Webflow or WooCommerce design & development services for your website needs.

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Convert & Optimise

Optimise your website  performance and enhance its Google PageSpeed score. 

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Website Maintenance

Maintain your website content and ensure your website is safe and secure.