Our past designs: iResource


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Envision yourself in conversation with an insurance sales agent. He is explaining a newly introduced policy to you on his shiny, new iPad. You nod along, beginning to understand how the policy would benefit you. #cantrelate However, halfway through the discussion, your insurance sales agent begins fumbling for the correct documents and you realize you are both getting increasingly confused by the system.

Oh, what a bummer! Just when you were beginning to make sense of the mystery that is insurance!

Project brief

AIA Singapore wished to fix this issue with immediate effect, and approached JIN Design to design The New iResource app for iPad.

The app serves as a one-stop tool for all AIA solutions. It also aims to communicate marketing initiatives to agents by offering seamless access to all sales information. Primarily intended for use by AIA agents, the secondary target audience were potential AIA customers.

It is worth mentioning the strength of the existing iResource lay in its highly functional design where content is stored in a simple file structure, with added capability to be used while offline. However, this simple file structure is also the weakness of the existing app as it limits future scalability.

Very well then, it was now time to get to work!

Key design challenges

Designing an app for AIA agents

One key design challenge we encountered was designing an app specific to AIA agents. Bearing in mind AIA agents were primary users of this app, it was vital that the app offer quick and easy access to all sales materials.

We accomplished this by designing the app in a manner that enabled AIA agents to achieve the desired information no more than 3 steps. For example, agents can effortlessly add, compile and present documents to conveniently view all information in one place.

Doing so ensured that all sales materials were easily accessible, thereby greatly easing the selling process for agents. Masterstroke, isn’t it! 😀

Trustworthy and professional design

For AIA to effectively attract customers, it was essential for customers to relate and associate themselves with the app. At the same time, as an insurance company, it was also important the app reflect AIA’s strong brand image.

We achieved this by picking a no-frills, flat layout for the app. This gave the app a clean, uncluttered and professional look to it. Moreover, we incorporated high resolution and realistic photographs to create a natural and engaging atmosphere, thereby striking a connection with customers and instilling a sense of trust in potential AIA clients.

Throughout the design process, we also ensured that the style of iResource was not too different from that of the website and other AIA apps. By sticking to AIA’s colour schemes and branding, we aimed to make the app a lot more relatable and hoped to strike a chord with the general public as well as existing AIA clients.

My my, all this sounds very impressive to me! What say you?

JIN Design

27 Feb, 2017


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