CNY @ JIN Design


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A Call for Celebration!

Hell-o! Hope all my readers had a good break and a fantastic Chinese New Year!

Every single person on this planet thinks they’re different from the rest. That they’re a class apart, exclusive and completely unique – just like everyone else..! 😛

Similarly, all of us at JIN Design wanted to celebrate CNY in a manner quite unlike any other. This CNY, we wanted to do something that had never been done before… something that screamed, “This is so JIN Design!”

And we did! Kinda. Sorta. Well, actually it was a case of let’s-celebrate-CNY-super-late-and-do-it-at-a-colleague’s-house-because-we-are-different-ha-ha.

Really! We celebrated CNY just last Friday, well over the CNY season! #busypeopleproblems

And we celebrated it at our co-worker’s place with steamboat feast because well… we can!

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My my, all of us definitely grew double chins after such a ginormous meal haha! *internally cries*

To think we resumed work after lunch, and even held an internal meeting to discuss our projects – only we know how we struggled to stay awake after all that food and even greater number of calories! *sighhh*

Well, that was CNY Celebration @ JIN Design for you. Coming soon: Designing Advocado. Don’t know what that is? Stay tuned to find out more! 😉

JIN Design

06 Feb, 2017


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