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Website UX Optimization: How To Get More Conversions by Optimising Your Website UX

JIN Design Event How to get more conversions by optimising your website UX

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About the event

Did you know that the average eCommerce website’s conversion rate in Singapore stands at about 3.3%? Based on research done by Media One Marketing, we now know that only 4 out of every 100 visitors to a site responds to the desired call to action. 

Conversions can’t happen independently. You need to put strategies in place to ensure your business website is designed for optimal conversion. A solid website design should be highly user-friendly with a low bounce rate and consistent conversion. This is where UX design comes in. 

UX design is responsible for the visitor’s overall experience on your site and determines whether the user will stay on your page and explore further. Elements like a compelling landing page, clean layout, effective copy and well-placed visuals are key in ensuring long-term conversion rates.  

Still, find the concept of an optimal user experience too vague to grasp? Join our talk to find out more! We’ll focus on the little UX design details that guarantee an optimised conversion rate, as well as the key metrics you can keep improving on. 

About the Speaker

Yugene Lee is a self-taught expert in the web UX design industry with 9 years of experience in serving multiple corporate clients including Singlife, Allianz, PhillipFutures, VulcanPost, Yachtly, Lesaffre and GreenPacket and many more. His client base also encompasses many start-ups and SMEs. He aims to bring the utmost value to every single project in terms of UX optimisation.

Yugene’s entrepreneurial journey didn’t get off to a smooth start. He started several businesses in his 20s, all of which were ultimately unsuccessful.  After taking some time to experiment and apply his insight to a new endeavour, JIN Design was born. Currently, Yugene is dedicating all his effort to leading this agency, along with its sister brand The Visual Team, which specialises in animation and graphic design. Both agencies are fully committed to creating beautiful and efficient designs that bring great returns for clients. 

About JIN Design

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JIN Design is a web design agency headquartered in Singapore, with a branch in Malaysia. We provide comprehensive services for the design, development, enhancement, and maintenance of your website. Our website UX principle is pretty simple! We aim to combine sharp copy and an unassuming layout with minimalist illustrations and animations. This is how we can best communicate our values and services. It took us six iterations to finally reach our current form, and we think it was worth every minute!

About Our UX-Optimised Work

With all this information in mind, let’s take a look at some examples of great UX designs. Here are a couple of websites we worked on here at JIN, with a focus on aligning the client’s goals with UX optimisation. 

Allianz – Crafting a Customer-Centric Site With Dedicated Landing Pages

Thumbnail Allianz

Allianz Insurance Singapore — known as the world’s number one insurance brand — is dedicated to providing solutions to protect their clients, whether individuals, small businesses or corporations.  

Allianz tasked us with revamping their website to feature a stronger communication flow, with emphasis on its multiple services showcased on separate landing pages. Here’s what we helped Allianz achieve through the redesigned site: 

  • A more personal touch for visitors through the specially-crafted landing pages
  • A more customer-focused website, with dedicated landing pages for different target audiences
  • User experience was optimised, while the workflow for the customer service team was made smoother thanks to the attachment of all claim forms on the website
  • Grew traffic significantly by building a strong fundamental SEO score and targeting the right keywords

SingLife – An optimised financial web experience 

Thumbnail Singlife

SingLife is a comprehensive insurance service that offers solutions that combine protection with opportunities for investment.

We were commissioned by Singlife to redesign their website in 2020, as part of their launch of a revitalised new branding concept.  

We ensured that their new website design boasted the following:  

  • A home for the 3 experience verticals – Manage, Grow and Protect
  • A more modern web layout to engage with their customers
  • An optimised browsing experience throughout all devices
  • Redesigned product pages with simpler messaging
  • Inserted modern illustrations for the brand

The event has been ended! Feel free to review the video and gain insights on UX design-powered conversions and how you can leverage it to take your business to new heights.

Watch it here!

JIN Design

26 Oct, 2021


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