Our past designs: Dream Coder


Table of Contents

Dream Big

In the infamous words of Martin Luther King Jr:

“I have a dream!”

“To be so good at what we do, that one day, Mediacorp would want to work with us!”

cheered the entire team at JIN Design, completing Martin’s unfinished sentence for him. And that’s exactly what happened 😉

Project brief

In late 2016, Mediacorp commissioned JIN Design to design various mobile apps for their Channel 8 TV show. Titled “Dream Coder”, the show revolves around tech start-ups and aims to promote the tech industry in Singapore. In fact, the show went on air very recently, and is already garnering rave reviews! Check it out on Toggle now! Link: http://video.toggle.sg/en/series/dream-coder/ep1/476074

Anyway, where was I?

Oh, yeah. We were tasked to design various mobile apps to be used as props on the show. Though these apps were not functional, they played a key role in authenticating and strengthening the concept of Dream Coder. That’s right, JIN Design has a big hand in contributing to this TV series’ success! 😀

Moving on, our project scope entailed providing wireframes and mock-ups to be exhibited in the drama. It also encompassed providing design consultancy for the app designs and on-site support to the team at Mediacorp. I know what you’re thinking, “Blah blah yadayadayah. Let’s get to the good part already!”

Well, here you go!

Mobile applications

Love Preparatory App

For this app, two versions were designed and produced. In the show, the app enables users to have a virtual relationship with their choice of character.

Another variant of the same app was designed to promote the TV series among the general public. This version of the app enables users to have a virtual chat with the TV show characters.


This app displays alert messages and notifies users of people in need of urgent first aid assistance in nearby areas.

Ocean Marathon App

A fitness tracking app for marathon runners, users can set personal targets and adjust settings to suit their fitness regime.

Share Share App

A social app which allows users to make request to share cost on food, items, transport or entertainment with people nearby, or with similar interests.

Let’s Share App

The Let’s Share app is similar to the previously mentioned Share Share app, but with a different visual style. You will know why there are two different versions of this app when you watch the show!

Funeral Service app

This app serves as a platform for users to learn more about funeral arrangements, as well as engage relevant services.

Try On Glasses App

An app for users to try on virtual glasses and click photos of themselves.

The table below is a quick summary of all that we did, for each app!

Mobile apps

Our role

Concept & wireframes Mockup Character design Logo design App icon Others
Love Preparatory
Ocean Marathon
Share Share Illustrations
Funeral Service Interactive prototype with Flinto
Try On Glasses

Key design challenges

Tight deadlines 

No doubt, working with Mediacorp was a huuuge honour for us. However, working within a tight timeframe doubled the pressure as we were expected to deliver our best work within the stipulated deadlines.

With proper planning and a detailed schedule, we decided to break down a project as big as this into smaller, less complex portions. We progressed with our designs one day at a time, and subsequently, completed it – all in time!

Project management

While we were required to provide a wide range of app designs, it was equally important for us to cater to Dream Coder’s script.

We achieved this by working closely with the scriptwriters and team of producers at Mediacorp. Being present on-site every step of the way enabled both parties to communicate effectively, thereby resulting in JIN Design successfully working in harmony with the script.

Way to go, JIN Design!!! Nailed it, don’t you think?

JIN Design

13 Mar, 2017


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